17 June 2025, Tuesday, 17:00
Ticket Alert
G36 G1 G35 G34 G33 G32 G31 G30 G29 G28 G27 G26 G25 G24 G23 G22 G21 G20 G19 LOŻE K11 LOŻE G18 G17 K2 K4 G4 G3 D1 D10 C01 C02 C03 C04 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 D16 D17 D18 D19 D20 V04 V05 V03 V02 V01 G2 G37 PŁYTA SCENA

The map of the venue is approximate

Category Available tickets Price incl. service fee
Trybuny Górne Section: G18, Row: 35 1 ticket PLN402.50per ticket BUY
Trybuny Górne Section: G36 Up to 4 tickets PLN459.98per ticket BUY
Trybuny Górne Section: G26 Up to 6 tickets PLN459.99per ticket BUY
Trybuny Górne Section: G36, Row: 25 Up to 2 tickets PLN460.00per ticket BUY
Trybuny Górne Section: G34 Up to 2 tickets PLN516.35per ticket BUY
Trybuny Górne Section: G28 Up to 4 tickets PLN548.45per ticket BUY
Trybuny Górne Section: G34, Row: 23 Up to 2 tickets PLN563.50per ticket BUY
Trybuny Górne Section: G34, Row: 27 Up to 2 tickets PLN586.50per ticket BUY
Trybuny Górne Section: G29, Row: 6 Up to 3 tickets PLN690.00per ticket BUY
Płyta Up to 2 tickets PLN701.50per ticket BUY
Płyta Up to 4 tickets PLN718.75per ticket BUY
Trybuny Górne Section: G33, Row: 17 Up to 2 tickets PLN747.50per ticket BUY
Płyta Up to 2 tickets PLN770.50per ticket BUY
Płyta Up to 2 tickets PLN771.64per ticket BUY
Trybuny Górne Section: G18, Row: 10 Up to 2 tickets PLN782.00per ticket BUY
Płyta Up to 4 tickets PLN792.35per ticket BUY
Płyta Up to 4 tickets PLN803.84per ticket BUY
Płyta Up to 4 tickets PLN803.85per ticket BUY
Trybuny Górne Section: G25, Row: 16 Up to 6 tickets PLN805.00per ticket BUY
Płyta Up to 3 tickets PLN805.00per ticket BUY
Płyta Up to 2 tickets PLN805.00per ticket BUY
Płyta Up to 2 tickets PLN805.00per ticket BUY
Płyta Up to 2 tickets PLN805.00per ticket BUY
Trybuny Dolne Section: D18 Up to 2 tickets PLN805.00per ticket BUY
Płyta Up to 4 tickets PLN805.00per ticket BUY
Płyta 1 ticket PLN861.35per ticket BUY
Płyta Up to 2 tickets PLN862.50per ticket BUY
Płyta Up to 2 tickets PLN862.50per ticket BUY
Trybuny Górne Section: G30, Row: 11 1 ticket PLN862.50per ticket BUY
Płyta Up to 4 tickets PLN884.99per ticket BUY
Trybuny Górne Section: G30, Row: 13 Up to 2 tickets PLN920.00per ticket BUY
Płyta Up to 2 tickets PLN920.00per ticket BUY
Trybuny Dolne Section: V05 1 ticket PLN964.84per ticket BUY
Trybuny Dolne Section: D16 Up to 4 tickets PLN964.85per ticket BUY
Płyta Up to 2 tickets PLN977.50per ticket BUY
Płyta 1 ticket PLN999.35per ticket BUY
Trybuny Górne Section: G35, Row: 35 Up to 2 tickets PLN1,092.50per ticket BUY
Płyta Up to 2 tickets PLN1,150.00per ticket BUY
Trybuny Dolne Section: V05, Row: 19 Up to 4 tickets PLN1,263.85per ticket BUY
Trybuny Dolne Section: V05, Row: 7 Up to 2 tickets PLN1,265.00per ticket BUY
Trybuny Dolne Section: V05 Up to 2 tickets PLN1,458.20per ticket BUY
Trybuny Dolne Section: V01 Up to 2 tickets PLN1,460.50per ticket BUY
Trybuny Dolne Section: V04, Row: 17 Up to 2 tickets PLN1,462.80per ticket BUY
Płyta Up to 2 tickets PLN1,999.99per ticket BUY
Trybuny Dolne Section: V03 VIP package Up to 6 tickets PLN2,265.50per ticket BUY
Offers are sorted by price